Bycatch analysis of tuna gillnet fisheries of Pakistan: An analysis of bycatch data from 2013-2015

Shahid U, Moazzam Khan M, Nawaz R, et al (2016) Bycatch analysis of tuna gillnet fisheries of Pakistan: An analysis of bycatch data from 2013-2015. In: IOTC - 12th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC‐2016‐WEPB12‐INF11, Seychelles

There are around 700 gillnet vessels engaged in fishing in the continental shelf and offshore waters of Pakistan. These not only operate in the high seas within the exclusive economic zone, but also in the areas beyond national jurisdiction. A large number of sharks, sea turtles, cetaceans have been recorded to be caught in the tuna gillnet fisheries, but the species-wise composition data was not available. The study revealed that the dominating shark species includes Isurus oxyrinchus, Alopias pelagicus and Carcharhinus spp., whereas among the sea turtles, the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) is the dominating species and constitutes to about 86% of the total sea turtle bycatch, followed by the green turtle (Chelonia mydas,) comprising of 14% of the total sea turtle bycatch and Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus), common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates) and spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) have been recorded as dominant cetacean species entangled. WWF-Pakistan has initiated a program of safe release of enmeshed animals and so far 32 whale sharks, 14 mobulids, 1 beaked whale, 1 guitarfish, 2 bottlenose dolphins and thousands of sea turtles have been released safely.