Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine and Longline Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03)
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USA, Korea (2024) Proposed Amendments to Conservation and Management Measure for Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine and Longline Fishing Operations (CMM 2011-03). In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 20th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC20-2024/EB-WP-08, Manila, Philippines
There are a number of threatened and endangered cetacean (whales, dolphins and porpoises) species and populations in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean and there is evidence that marine mammal interactions with fishing gear may lead to injury or mortality for some of these animals. WCPFC Conservation and Management Measure 2011-03 manages interactions between cetaceans and purse seine operations, however, there is no current measure to manage interactions between cetaceans and longline fisheries. This proposal seeks to expand information collection for cetacean interactions and to prohibit the retention, transhipment or landing of any cetacean on longline vessels.