Ocean Sentinel, an operational program monitoring interactions between large albatrosses and fisheries in the south-western Indian Ocean

Weimerskirch H, Corbeau A, Pajot A, et al (2019) Ocean Sentinel, an operational program monitoring interactions between large albatrosses and fisheries in the south-western Indian Ocean. In: ACAP - Fifth Meeting of the Population and Conservation Status Working Group. ACAP PaCSWG5 Inf 14, Florianópolis, Brazil

Fisheries are operating worldwide over nation’s Economic Exclusive Zones (EEZ) as well as over international waters. Because of the impact of fisheries on albatrosses and petrels there is a need to obtain better information on fine scale seabird-fisheries interactions, within EEZ but especially in international waters where fisheries activities are not recorded at fine scale. Here we describe the OCEAN SENTINEL program that is carried out between December 2018 and June 2019 program to improve our knowledge on the fine scale interactions between wandering and Amsterdam albatrosses and fisheries operating in the Southern Indian Ocean, and examine the possibility of using birds fitted with new generation of loggers recording location and radar emissions as indicators of the presence of fishing boats. A total of 172 adult and juvenile birds were tagged, and their movements and the location of more than 5.000 radar detections were obtained. Juveniles had a much lower boat encounter rate than adults. In the EEZ around Crozet and Kerguelen all fishing boats in operation were detected by bird born tags, and most but not all had their AIS system ON. On the border of EEZ several vessels were detected in operation, with AIS irregularly ON. In international waters short encounters corresponded to encounters of vessels transiting the range zone of albatrosses, with AIS ON, whereas for long encounters corresponding to fishing vessel, half had no corresponding AIS. The first analyses from the program indicate that Ocean Sentinel was able to provide instantaneous information on the location of vessels for all declared fishing vessels in EEZ, including those switching OFF their AIS. In international sub-tropical waters many detection were made by albatrosses for large operating Asiatic fishing fleets where AIS information was available irregularly. Present analyses are comparing the efficiency of Ocean Sentinel to detect operating fishing vessels to the AIS, VMS and Radar Sat systems.