Recommendations by the Staff for Conservation Measures in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, 2014

Scientific Advisory Committee I (2014) Recommendations by the Staff for Conservation Measures in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, 2014

Conservation of tunas and associated commercial catch limits tp MSY.
Conservation of silky sharks for purse seine and others including conducting experiments on mitigating shark catches especially in longline fisheries and on shark survival captured by all gear types.
Seabird mitigation should utilise line weighting, night setting and bird scaring lines with minimum standards.
Mobulid Rays in purse seine fisheries have 6 management recommendations.
For sea turtles in longline fisheries, the commission recommends education re dehooking, disentangling and species identification. In addition there are 4 specific management recommendations for sea turtles.
Finally, managment measures for fishing gear configuration, non-entangling FADs, FAD identification and marking and observer coverage of longline vessels are provided.