Updated catches of shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, caught by Japanese coastal fisheries

Kai M, Yano T (2021) Updated catches of shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, caught by Japanese coastal fisheries. In: ISC 2021 1st Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-1/06, Online, p 10

This working paper provides with updated catches of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) caught by Japanese coastal fisheries for 1994-2019. We used the same estimation methods as those used in the previous analysis. Since the species-specific shark’s data is not included in Japanese official coastal landing data, the catches of coastal fisheries are estimated using the available species-specific data. Annual catches for longline fisheries as well as large-mesh driftnet fishery accounted for more than 90 % of annual total catches except in 2005. The annual total catches of shortfin mako had a large fluctuation between 161 and 638 tons during 1994 to 2019. Recently, it had gradually decreased from 494 tons in 2016 to 213 tons in 2019. The trends of catches were almost similar between previous and updated analysis.