Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Andrzejaczek S, Lucas TCD, Goodman MC, et al (2022) Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology. Science Advances 8:eabo1754.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Andrzejaczek S, Schallert RJ, Forsberg K, et al (2021) Reverse diel vertical movements of oceanic manta rays off the northern coast of Peru and implications for conservation. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 2:e12051.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Aneesh Kumar KV, Khanolkar PS, Pravin P, et al (2013) Effect of hook design on longline catches in Lakshadweep Sea, India. Indian Journal of Fisheries 60:
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Aneesh Kumar KV, Pravin P, Khanolkar PS, et al (2016) The effect of depth of operation and soaking time on catch rates in the experimental tuna longline fisheries in Lakshadweep Sea, Indi. Iranian Jour FS 15:597–605
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Angel A, Miranda NAF, Nyengera R, McInnes A (2021) Development of a Bird-scaring Line Compliance Monitoring Device. In: ACAP - Tenth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. ACAP SBWG10 Inf 18, Electronic Meeting, p 15
LL Seabirds
Management Categories
Angel A, Nel R, Wanless RM, et al (2014) Ecological Risk Assessment of sea turtles to tuna fishing in the ICCAT region. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 70:2226–2259
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Population Level Assessments
Angel A, Wanless R, Small C (2015) A need for improved reporting on seabird bycatch in IOTC longline fisheries. IOTC, Olhao, Portugal
LL Seabirds
Management Categories
Anon (2012) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council - Action Plan for reducing incidental catches of seabirds in fishing gears
LL Seabirds
Anon (2013) Bycatch Management
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Anon (2014) Ghosts of the Indian Ocean - Olive Ridley Project
PS, GN Sea Turtles
Anon (2015) Report of Japan’s Scientific Observer Program for Tuna Longline Fishery in the Atlantic Ocean in the Fishing years of 2012 and 2013. CVSP 71:3106–3116
LL Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Anon (2017) Recommendations of the Working Group on Bycatch. In: IATTC - 7th Meeting of the Working Group on Bycatch. IATTC-BYC-Recommendations, La Jolla, California
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Anon (2017) Summary of IATTC Dolphin Workshop. In: IATTC - 8th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee. IATTC-SAC-08-05f, La Jolla, California
PS Marine Mammals
Population Level Assessments
Anon (2017) Ecosystem Considerations. In: IATTC - 8th Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee. IATTC-SAC-08-07a, La Jolla, California
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Anon (2017) IATTC Ad Hoc Working Group On FADs - Second Meeting (First Part). In: IATTC - 2nd Meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs. FAD-02(1), La Jolla, California
PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Anon (2017) IATTC - 7th meeting of the Bycatch Working Group. In: IATTC - 7th Meeting of the Working Group on Bycatch. La Jolla, California
Anon. (2012) Methods for longline fishers to safely handle and release unwanted sharks and rays = 延绳钓捕捞者对误捕的鲨鱼或鳐鱼等海洋动物的  安全处理指引和放生方法  English & Chinese
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Anon. (2018) Report of the 2018 intersessional meeting of the shark species group (Madrid, Spain, 2-6 July 2018). ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 75:357–434
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Anon (2021) Advances on the Collaborative Work to Assess Sea Turtle Bycatch in Pelagic Longline and Purse Seine Fleets (Atlantic and Indian Oceans and Mediterranean Sea). Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 78:155–166
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Anon. (2010) Report of the international workshop on tuna RFMO management of issues relating to bycatch. In: IOTC - 6th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2010-WPEB-Inf06, Seychelles
LL, PS, GN Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Anon (2022) Suggested improvements to 19/02 that will ensure the effective management of dFADs. In: IOTC - 3rd Ad Hoc Working Group on FADs. IOTC-2022-WGFAD03-20_Rev1, Online
Mitigation Techniques
Anon (2022) Report of the joint ICES-ICCAT Benchmark Workshop in advance of the North-Eastern Atlantic porbeagle stock assessment. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 79:1–60
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Anon (2022) Report of the 2022 ICCAT Intersessional Meeting of the Sharks Species Group. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 79:61–132
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Anon (2022) Report of the 2022 Intersessional Meeting of the Sub-Committee of Ecosystems and Bycatch. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 79:1–79
LL, PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Anon (2022) Report of the Sub-group on Electronic Monitoring Systems: Proposal of draft ICCAT minimum technical standards for EMS in pelagic longliners. Collect Vol Sci Pap ICCAT 79:367–382