Suggestion regarding Agenda item 14.2 of SBWG6 (Case study: South Georgia [Islas Georgias del Sur] Wandering Albatross and Grey-headed Albatross populations)

Robertson G (2014) Suggestion regarding Agenda item 14.2 of SBWG6 (Case study: South Georgia [Islas Georgias del Sur] Wandering Albatross and Grey-headed Albatross populations). ACAP Seabird Bycatch Working Group, Punta del Este, Uruguay

The aim of agenda item 14.2 of the SBWG6 is to consider the long-term decreases in wandering (Diomedea exulans) and grey-headed (Thalassarche chrysostoma) albatross populations at South Georgia (Islas Georgias del Sur)1 and identify initiatives to improve their conservation status. This document suggests an action that has the potential to reduce at-sea mortality and the magnitude of the population decreases. This suggestion pertains to pelagic longline fisheries only (not demersal) and is based on the knowledge that mortality in pelagic longline fisheries in coastal States and on the high seas is a significant contributor to the population decreases. The suggestion depends on SBWG6 adopting as best practice the branch line weighting recommendations presented in SBWG6 Doc 13.