Enhanced monitoring of large pelagic fishes caught by the Venezuelan artisanal off-shore fleet targeting tuna and tuna-like species in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent northwestern Atlantic waters: An update analysis

Arocha F, Pazos A, Larez A, Gutierrez X (2014) Enhanced monitoring of large pelagic fishes caught by the Venezuelan artisanal off-shore fleet targeting tuna and tuna-like species in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent northwestern Atlantic waters: An update analysis. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 70:2462–2480

At-sea and port sampling to monitor the Venezuelan artisanal off-shore (VAOS) fleet targeting tuna and tuna-like species using pelagic longline gear continued for the second year of a three year project funded by the Japanese Data & Management Improvement Program (JDMIP). Sampling continued in JuanGriego (Island of Margarita) and Morro de Puerto Santo in the northeastern mainland coast from March to December 2012. At-sea sampling consisted of 40 observed trips by 7 trained Captains, totaling 52 trips since the beginning of the Project. The total numbers of sets observed for all trips covered were 573 in which the number of hooks averaged about 2000 hooks/set. Most trips occurred in the southeastern Caribbean Sea in two clusters, one southwest of the Grenadine islands and the other around the 65°W line; another cluster occurred E-SE of Trinidad, but some trips moved off-shore operating off N-NE of Surinam. The overall main target species reported, measured and sexed included, 3433 sailfish (80-196 cm LJFL), and 425 white marlin (106-182 cm LJFL), 26 longbill spearfish (126-179 cm LJFL), 25 roundscale spearfish (128-170 cm LJFL), 13 blue marlin (127-291 cm LJFL), and 424 dolphinfish (50-156 cm FL). Secondary target species included catches of 254 silky sharks (FAL) which consisted mostly of small individuals (25-190 cm FL) and 33 scalloped hammerhead (SPL) sharks (48-175 cm FL), both species were the most common sharks caught. The tuna sample was mostly formed by 466 BLF (30-100 cm FL), 56 YFT (78-131 cm FL), and 29 BET (59-103 cm FL). Port sampling activities recorded landings from 61 vessels during the overall sampling period, all billfish and shark species were identified and length measures were recorded, all shark specimens were sexed.