Species Estimation of Unidentified Bycatch Sea Turtles in the Indian Ocean using RandomForest

Sato Y, Masubuchi T, Yamamoto A, et al (2020) Species Estimation of Unidentified Bycatch Sea Turtles in the Indian Ocean using RandomForest. In: IOTC - 16th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC 2020 WPEB16 23 _Rev2, Online

We attempted to classify unidentified sea turtles that were recorded as bycatch by scientific observers boarded on Japanese longline vessels in the IOTC area with using a random forest model. We constructed two model s using o nly the IOTC area data and combining the IOTC and the ICCAT data and compared the model performance . The b oth models showed high accuracy in species estimates.