Enhancing implementation of best practice mitigation

Debski I (2021) Enhancing implementation of best practice mitigation. In: ACAP - Tenth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. ACAP SBWG10 Doc 11, Electronic Meeting, p 6

The SBWG has for several years given high priority to understanding the challenges to and drivers of the uptake of best practice bycatch mitigation or even the implementation of required mitigation measures. A number of recommendations were made by SBWG9, with endorsed decisions by AC11 including to develop a communication strategy and communication products and engage with certification schemes. Considerable progress has been made by ACAP in implementing these decisions, including a communications review and strategy development, focused statements at RFMO and other meetings, promotion of World Albatross Day and engagement with seafood market schemes. Other aspects remain to be fully explored by ACAP, including the use of socio-economic approaches.