Management of sharks and their relatives (Elasmobranchii)

Musick JA, Burgess G, Cailliet G, et al (2000) Management of sharks and their relatives (Elasmobranchii). Fisheries 25:9–13

Policy: The American Fisheries Society (AFS) recommends that regulatory agencies give shark and ray management high priority because of the naturally slow population growth inherent to most sharks and rays, and their resulting vulnerability to overfishing and stock collapse. Fisheries managers should be particularly sensitive to the vulnerability of less productive species of sharks and rays taken as a bycatch in mixed-species fisheries. The AFS encourages the development and implementation of management plans for sharks and rays in North America. Management practices including regulations, international agreements and treaties should err on the side of the health of the resource rather than short-term economic gain. The AFS encourages the release of sharks and rays taken as bycatch in a survivable condition. Regulatory agencies should mandate full utilization of shark carcasses and prohibit the wasteful practice of finning. Multilateral agreements among fishing nations, or management through regional fisheries management organizations are so rely needed for effective management of wide ranging shark stocks. The AFS encourages its members to become involved by providing technical information needed for protection of sharks and rays to international, federal, state, and provincial policy makers so decisions are made on a scientific, rather than emotional or political, basis.