5 Key Elements for Designing an Electronic Monitoring Program

Pew Trusts (2021) 5 Key Elements for Designing an Electronic Monitoring Program. In: IOTC - Ad Hoc Working Group on the Development of Electronic Monitoring Programme Standards. IOTC-2021-WGEMS01-07, Online

Across the globe, regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) are responsible for overseeing the catch of highly migratory fishes that traverse the waters of many nations. To ensure that these fisheries are sustainable, RFMOs need reliable data on what, how, and where fish are caught, and whether rules and regulations are being followed. Although many RFMOs have mandated that observers be on board purse seine vessels to gather such data, it can be challenging to collect it from other types of vessels, which in turn can make scientific and compliance processes less effective. As RFMOs seek to improve oversight of their fishing fleets, electronic monitoring (EM) can be an effective way to meet their goals. EM systems - a combination of cameras, computers, GPS, and gear sensors on a vessel - can complement coverage by human observers. EM can also be used to collect data on fleets that have not been independently monitored. Many entities using these systems have created an EM program and set standards for how the information is collected, transferred, analysed, and stored. Managers, scientists, and vessel owners can then use this data to effectively manage the fisheries.

This is a fact sheet, one in a series outlining key elements for regional fisheries management organizations to consider as they develop
electronic monitoring programs. More information is available at pewtrusts.org/ElectronicMonitoring.