Incidental shark and ray capture occurs in longline, purse seine and gillnet tuna fisheries. The most effective mitigation measures for longline fisheries include deep-setting, reduced soak time, avoiding wire leaders and hook and bait changes [2], though in applying these, cross-taxa effects need careful consideration. Silky and oceanic whitetip sharks are the most common shark bycatch species in purse seine fisheries, captured mostly when vessels fish on FADs but also through entanglement in FAD netting. Limiting FAD use and modifying FAD designs and practices are the most promising mitigation methods [2]. As with cetaceans, entanglement is a significant problem in medium-scale, semi-industrial and artisanal tuna drift gillnet fisheries. There has been some success with sub-surface gillnets [3] but further validation of this technique is required. For all gear types, safe handling and release procedures have been developed which significantly reduce post-release mortality of sharks, e.g., try to avoid landing sharks onboard; instead bring them close to the vessel and cut line as close to the hook as possible to reduce the length of trailing line [1].
Recent studies have looked at physiological factors affecting post-release mortality of sharks, e.g., stationary-respiring shark species have been shown to experience lower post-release mortality rates than obligate ram-ventilators on longlines [2]. Such information helps to understand the vulnerability of different shark species and thus feeds into improved management strategies for shark bycatch.
For detailed biological and distributional data about shark species, refer to FishBase, Sharkipedia (includes abundance time-series) or Shark-References. FAO has published a series of regional catalogues describing shark/ batoid/chimeras, such as this one for the North Atlantic. Look for others in the series here. NOAA's 'Find a Species - Highly Migratory Species' has information on protection status, biology and population status, distribution, threats, conservation measures and research. See also FAO's database of management measures. Handy species ID guides can be found here.
STAGIS, a database of shark tagging FIELD STUDIES conducted in the Pacific Ocean, can be accessed here.
- Francis MP, Lyon WS, Clarke SC, et al (2023) Post-release survival of shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus) and silky (Carcharhinus falciformis) sharks released from pelagic tuna longlines in the Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 33:366–378.
- Dapp DR, Huveneers C, Walker TI, et al (2016) Moving from Measuring to Predicting Bycatch Mortality: Predicting the Capture Condition of a Longline-Caught Pelagic Shark. Front Mar Sci 2:126.
- Swimmer Y, Zollett E, Gutierrez A (2020) Bycatch mitigation of protected and threatened species in tuna purse seine and longline fisheries. Endang Species Res 43:517–542.
Moazzam M (2019) Species composition of elasmobranchs in the surface and subsurface gillnet operation in the Northern Arabian Sea. In: IOTC - 15th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2019-WPEB15-13, La Saline Les Bains, Reunion Island

3-Alpha Code | Name | Scientific Name |
ALS | SILVERTIP SHARK | Carcharhinus albimarginatus |
ALV | COMMON THRESHER SHARK | Alopias vulpinus |
AML | GREY REEF SHARK | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos |
BLR | BLACKTIP REEF SHARK | Carcharhinus melanopterus |
BRO | BRONZE WHALER SHARK | Carcharhinus brachyurus |
BSH | BLUE SHARK | Prionace glauca |
BSK | BASKING SHARK | Cetorhinus maximus |
BTH | BIGEYE THRESHER SHARK | Alopias superciliosus |
CCA | BIGNOSE SHARK | Carcharhinus altimus |
CCB | SPINNER SHARK | Carcharhinus brevipinna |
CCD | WHITECHEEK SHARK | Carcharhinus dussumieri |
CCE | BULL SHARK | Carcharhinus leucas |
CCF | PIGEYE SHARK | Carcharhinus amboinensis |
CCG | GALAPAGOS SHARK | Carcharhinus galapagensis |
CCL | BLACKTIP SHARK | Carcharhinus limbatus |
CCM | HARDNOSE SHARK | Carcharhinus macloti |
CCP | SANDBAR SHARK | Carcharhinus plumbeus |
CCQ | SPOTTAIL SHARK | Carcharhinus sorrah |
CCT | GREY NURSE/ SAND TIGER SHARK | Carcharius taurus |
CCU | AUSTRALIAN BLACKTIP SHARK | Carcharhinus tilstoni |
CCY | GRACEFUL SHARK | Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides |
CCZ | CREEK WHALER | Carcharhinus fitzroyensis |
CEM | SMALLFIN GULPER SHARK | Centrophorus moluccensis |
CEU | DUMB GULPER SHARK | Centrophorus harrissoni |
CHB | GHOST SHARK | Callorhinchus milii |
CNX | WHITENOSE SHARK | Nasolamia velox |
CPS | DRAUGHTSBOARD SHARK | Cephaloscyllium isabellum |
CPU | LITTLE GULPER SHARK | Centrophorus uyato |
CTU | GUMMY SHARK | Mustelus antarcticus |
CVX | GROUND SHARKS | Carcharhiniformes |
CYU | PLUNKET SHARK | Scymnodon plunketi |
DCA | BIRDBEAK DOGFISH | Deania calcea |
DGS | PICKED DOGFISH | Squalus acanthias |
DGZ | DOGFISHES NEI | Squalus spp |
DOP | SHORTNOSE SPURDOG | Squalus megalops |
DUS | DUSKY SHARK | Carcharhinus obscurus |
DWS | DEEP-WATER SHARKS (NEI) | Elasmobranchii |
ETF | BLACKBELLY LANTERNSHARK | Etmopterus lucifer |
EUB | WINGHEAD SHARK | Eusphyra blochii |
FAL | SILKY SHARK | Carcharhinus falciformis |
GAG | SCHOOL SHARK | Galeorhinus galeus |
HAH | BRISTLY CATSHARK | Halaelurus hispidus |
HDQ | BULLHEAD SHARKS | Heterodontiformes |
HEE | SNAGGLETOOTH SHARK | Hemipristis elongatus |
HEG | CRESTED BULLHEAD SHARK | Heterodontus galeatus |
HXT | SHARPNOSE SEVENGILL SHARK | Heptranchias perlo |
ISB | COOKIE CUTTER SHARK | Isistius brasiliensis |
LES | LEOPARD SHARK | Triakis semifasciata |
LMA | LONGFIN MAKO | Isurus paucus |
LMD | SALMON SHARK | Lamna ditropis |
LMP | MEGAMOUTH SHARK | Megachasma pelagios |
MAK | MAKO SHARKS | Isurus spp. |
MTL | SPOTTED ESTUARY SMOOTH-HOUND | Mustelus lenticulatus |
NGA | SICKLEFIN LEMON SHARK | Negaprion acutidens |
NTC | BROADNOSE SEVENGILL SHARK | Notorynchus cepedianus |
OCS | OCEANIC WHITETIP SHARK | Carcharhinus longimanus |
ODH | BIGEYE SAND TIGER SHARK | Odontaspis noronhai |
ORZ | TAWNY NURSE SHARK | Nebrius ferrugineus |
OSF | ZEBRA SHARK | Stegostoma fasciatum |
POR | PORBEAGLE SHARK | Lamna nasus |
PPC | LONGNOSE SAWSHARK | Pristiophorus cirratus |
PSK | CROCODILE SHARK | Pseudocarcharias kamoharai |
PTH | PELAGIC THRESHER SHARK | Alopias pelagicus |
REO | SHARK SUCKER | Remora remora |
RHA | MILK SHARK | Rhizoprionodon acutus |
RHN | WHALE SHARK | Rhincodon typus |
RHY | AUSTRALIAN SHARPNOSE SHARK | Rhizoprionodon taylori |
RPC | DWARF SAWFISH | Pristis clavata |
RPZ | LONGCOMB SAWFISH | Pristis zijsron |
RSK | REQUIEM SHARKS NEI | Carcharhinidae |
RUT | CROSSBACK STINGAREE | Urolophus cruciatus |
RUZ | GREENBACK STINGAREE | Urolophus viridis |
SBL | BLUNTNOSE SIXGILL SHARK | Hexanchus griseus |
SCK | KITEFIN SHARK | Dalatias licha |
SKH | VARIOUS SHARKS NEI | Selachimorpha (Pleurotremata) |
SKX | SHARKS, RAYS, SKATES, ETC. NEI | Elasmobranchii |
SMA | SHORTFIN MAKO | Isurus oxyrhinchus |
SON | PACIFIC SLEEPER SHARK | Somniosus pacificus |
SPK | GREAT HAMMERHEAD | Sphyrna mokarran |
SPZ | SMOOTH HAMMERHEAD | Sphyrna zygaena |
SSQ | VELVET DOGFISH | Scymnodon squamulosus |
SUN | OCELLATED ANGELSHARK | Squatina tergocellatoides |
THR | THRESHER SHARKS NEI | Alopias spp. |
TIG | TIGER SHARK | Galeocerdo cuvier |
TRB | WHITETIP REEF SHARK | Triaenodon obesus |
TSK | FLAPNOSE HOUNDSHARK | Scylliogaleus quecketti |
WSH | GREAT WHITE SHARK | Carcharodon carcharias |