Examination of the benefits and limitations of e-monitoring in relation to seabird bycatch and mitigation

Papworth W, Morgan K, Kim MA, et al (2016) Examination of the benefits and limitations of e-monitoring in relation to seabird bycatch and mitigation. ACAP, Serena, Chile, p ACAP-SBWG7-Doc6

At SBWG6 the Working Group highlighted the importance of considering electronic- monitoring (EM) as an additional or complementary tool to the use of observer programmes. The Working Group recommended that intersessionally a small number of individuals continue to examine the benefits and limitations of EM, and that this investigation should focus specifically on seabird bycatch. This intersessional work should include the investigation and development of best practice guidelines concerning the design, development, implementation and evaluation of EM systems, and the results of which should be reported at SBWG7.
AC9 endorsed an intersessional investigation of the benefits and limitations of EM concerning seabird bycatch and mitigation, and through this process the development of best practice guidelines for seabird bycatch and mitigation. The result of the analysis by the intersessional group is in this document.