Review of ACAP RFMO Engagement Strategy

Bogle C, Debski I, Wolfaardt A (2021) Review of ACAP RFMO Engagement Strategy. In: ACAP - Tenth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. ACAP SBWG10 Doc 07, Electronic Meeting, p 26

At SBWG9 the Working Group reviewed progress against the framework for ACAP’s engagement strategy with RFMOs and CCAMLR (SBWG9 Doc 07). Prior to SBGWG9 a one-day workshop was held, which fed into the review. On the basis of the review the Working Group agreed a list of prioritised areas of engagement for the 2019-2021 intersessional period, encapsulated in a revised document (SBWG9 Doc 07 Rev 1). Progress achieved since SBWG9 is presented in Annex 1, together with an updated list of proposed actions for the forthcoming triennium (2023-2025), for discussion by the SBWG and subsequent endorsement by the Advisory Committee. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the period covered (extended by one year) and the ability to achieve the objectives. As in previous versions the current document provides additional information on the background of the ACAP RFMO engagement strategy and considers the challenges and opportunities associated with achieving best practice standards in reducing seabird bycatch.