Application of the Ryder et al. (2006) memo in assessing post-release mortality of sea turtles in the Hawaii longline shallow-set fishery

Golden D (2011) Application of the Ryder et al. (2006) memo in assessing post-release mortality of sea turtles in the Hawaii longline shallow-set fishery

Observers recorded information on hooking/entanglement, injuries, how the turtle was handled, how the gear was removed, how much was left if unable to remove, took photos and sketches in most cases. The results indicate: 45 Loggerhead turtles were caught in the shallow-set fishery from 2004-2008 of which 10 died based on the following.
Each turtle was assigned a mortality coefficient using Ryder et al. and observer data. The total for all loggerhead turtles was 9.21. 9.21/45 = .205 * 100 = 20.5% mortality rate.
The mortality rate applied to anticipated number of interactions to calculate proposed mortalities. 46 loggerheads anticipated * 20.5% mortality rate=9.4 (round to 10) loggerhead mortalities.