Interviews with Fishermen suggest European Longlining Threatens Sea Turtle Populations in Cape Verdean Waters

Rocha PR, Catry P, Melo J, Melo T (2014) Interviews with Fishermen suggest European Longlining Threatens Sea Turtle Populations in Cape Verdean Waters

Bycatch of sea turtles in long-line fisheries is particularly dire in Cape Verde. The situation is affecting one of the most important loggerhead populations in the world and, according to the present study, the common practice is to kill the turtles that are still alive when they come on-board. In Cape Verde there is a strong tradition of eating loggerhead turtle meat, primarily females taken on nesting beaches. With the increasing control of illegal harvest ashore, the demand for turtle meat promotes the capture at sea and subsequent trade. Hence, there are at least two driving factors for the slaughter of live bycaught turtles: rapid recovery of the hook and profit made from selling turtle meat.