Report of the Expert Consultation on Best Practice Technical Guidelines for IPOA/NPOA-Seabirds, Bergen, Norway, 2 - 5 September 2008

FAO (ed) (2008) Report of the Expert Consultation on Best Practice Technical Guidelines for IPOA/NPOA-Seabirds, Bergen, Norway, 2 - 5 September 2008. Food and agriculture organization of the United nations (FAO), Rome

This is the report of the Expert Consultation on Best Practice Technical Guidelines for IPOA/NPOA- Seabirds [International Plan of Action/National Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries], held in Bergen, Norway, from 2 to 5 September 2008. The guidelines have been prepared to: (i) assist countries in preparing and implementing more effective NPOA- Seabirds; (ii) provide regional fisheries management organizations with guidance on implementing IPOA- Seabirds within a regional framework; and (iii) address incidental mortality of seabirds from relevant fishing gear. The guidelines emphasize the importance of a cyclical framework of data collection, research and monitoring to quantify and reduce the incidental mortality of seabirds in an adaptive manner.