Tips on using the references search filters

Results can be sorted by Year or Citation (first author) by clicking on the column header (A to Z or the reverse).


The species filter will accept species common and scientific names, as well as FAO 3-Alpha codes (only those in BMIS species group tables). You can also try the species common or scientific name in the Keywords search.

[12/2022 - Be aware that our keyword search algorithm is gathering false results for a limited # of common names such as 'blue shark' or 'green turtle' or 'sei whale' (sei forms part of 'seining'). Constraining the search with other filters will limit the issue. TBA]

In a table of results, if the Species column does not contain any species groups, this is because the reference relates to 'all bycatch species groups'. It may, e.g., be a general policy or management paper that does not single out particular species.


Use keywords to narrow your search. Try an author's name, or terms and phrases such as biodegradable, cryptic mortality, depredation, cross-taxa, at-vessel mortality, abundance, sensory biology, GAM, GLMM etc. Hyphens influence search results. Try the term both with and without a hyphen. Words must be a minimum of 3 characters.

Search for multiple Mitigation Techniques (MT) simultaneously. For example:

  • MT = circle hooks
  • Keywords = fish not squid bait night day setting



Similarly for Management Categories (MC) or Population Level Assessments (PLA).


Use the Collections filter to browse:

  • RFMO scientific meeting papers, e.g., IOTC 2021
  • meeting papers for other significant groups, e.g., ACAP
  • safe handling and release guides; and
  • Species ID Guides.