Stock Assessments - stock status

Stock assessments are a form of risk assessment, though they are not often referred to as such. They provide quantitative estimates of population status (Stock Status) and the associated risk of exceeding biological reference points, such as maximum sustainable yield [1].

You can narrow your search of literature in this category by using filters and keywords in the References section, for example:

  • Use common or scientific names in the species filter to locate stock assessments for key species
  • Use keywords such as north Atlantic or south Pacific to look at stock status in different ocean basins
  • Use keywords such as JABBA, Monte Carlo etc to locate analyses using specific modelling techniques

Stock assessments for some shark species can be found on RFMO websites:


  1. Cortés E, Brooks EN, Shertzer KW (2015) Risk assessment of cartilaginous fish populations. ICES J Mar Sci 72:1057–1068.