The Management Plan for Shark Longliners in WCPO (Chinese Taipei)

Chinese Taipei (2015) The Management Plan for Shark Longliners in WCPO (Chinese Taipei). WCPFC, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia

WCPFC adopted conservation and management measures for sharks (CMM 2014-05) in 2014. This CMM indicates that it is the obligation of CCMs to develop a management plan for fisheries that target sharks in association with WCPFC fisheries. The management plan will include specific authorisation to fish such as a license and a TAC or other measure to limit the catch of shark to acceptable levels. Management plan must be developed by 1 July 2015 if possible and not later than 1 December 2015 and submitted to the Commission. In addition, these plans must explicitly demonstrate how the fisheries aim to avoid or reduce catch and maximise live release of specimens of highly depleted species such as silky and oceanic whitetip sharks caught incidentally.