Gillnets and cetaceans: incorporating the proceedings of the symposium and workshop on the mortality of cetaceans in passive fishing nets and traps

Perrin WF, Donovan GP, Barlow J, International Whaling Commission (eds) (1994) Gillnets and cetaceans: incorporating the proceedings of the symposium and workshop on the mortality of cetaceans in passive fishing nets and traps. International Whaling Commission, Cambridge

This volume represents the culmination of over four years work, beginning with the organisation of a Symposium and Workshop held in La Jolla in 1990. It includes the report of that Workshop, the IWC Scientific Committee's report on stocks of small cetaceans that are subjected to 'significant' directed and incidental takes submitted to the 1992 UNCED and over 50 papers either presented to the Workshop, subsequent IWC Scientific Committee meetings or requested to address important relevant issues not covered by the presented papers. The papers herein represent the most complete and current account of a problem that probably represents the most serious threat to cetaceans today. Unfortunately, despite some progress in documenting the problems, we are still a long way from arriving at solutions for many regions and fisheries around the world. I hope that publication of this book stimulates Governments to address the issues highlighted here in a prompt and determined manner. This will involve: encouraging research in the wide range of disciplines necessary, including cetacean biology, fish biology, population dynamics, management science, and fishing gear technology; and, not least, the participation of fishermen in the process.