FAO FishFinder: The Species Identification and Data Programme

Gentile A (2016) FAO FishFinder: The Species Identification and Data Programme. In: FAO FishFinder Website. https://www.fao.org/fishery/en/publications/83947. Accessed 12 Jun 2012

FishFinder aims to improve the identification of marine organisms of actual and potential interest to fisheries:
1. Provide and disseminate tools to facilitate species identification in fisheries, and in so doing, improve fisheries data quality.
2. Provide a global and coherent system of scientific and common nomenclature.
Priority is assigned to resources of major commercial importance or threatened and to developing regions facing difficulties in species identification.
The website provides links to: Regional Guides; Field Guides; Catalogues, CD-Roms; Synopses; and Fact Sheets.