Investigation on bycatch reduction methods of marine mammals for fishing with gill net, trap, trawl, stow net and set net

Choi K-S, Jo H-S, Kang M (2023) Investigation on bycatch reduction methods of marine mammals for fishing with gill net, trap, trawl, stow net and set net. J Korean Soc Fish Technol 59:279–289.

The United States enforces the seafood import regulations so-called the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), and by 2023, all exports of aquatic products and processed fish products by fisheries which have not obtained an “Comparability Finding” from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration will be completely banned. Therefore, to respond to the US MMPA, it is critical to identify technologies and methods used in worldwide for reducing bycatch of marine mammals. In particular, marine mammals are frequently caught in five fisheries (trawl, gill net, trap, stow net and set net) in Korea, which is facing a great challenge. This study presented bycatch reduction methods by five fisheries, classified the methods by country, and suggested appropriate reduction methods which can be applied in Korea.