Composition and abundance of pelagic shark caught by drift gillnet in Cilacap oceanic fishing port, Indonesia

Novianto D, Nugroho AF, Zedta RR (2016) Composition and abundance of pelagic shark caught by drift gillnet in Cilacap oceanic fishing port, Indonesia. In: IOTC - 12th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC‐2016‐WEPB12‐17, Seychelles

Drift gillnet fleets in the South of Java part of Indian Ocean were multi-species fisheries. The target of this fleet was tuna and skipjack tuna. Our studies on shark fisheries had been conducted since 2014-2015 and focused on drift gillnets fleets in eastern Indian Ocean, south Java waters around 80 – 100 S and 1060 – 1100 E. The aims of this paper were to presents the information about sharks composition, size distribution and nominal catchper-unit-effort. A total 244 ton catch of sharks was recorded, consisted of 13 species, with an average catch of 9.5 tonnes/month and average CPUE (Vessel Catch/Day) were 12.87 kg/days. The greatest number of species caught with drift gillnet was from Family Alopidae (pelagic and bigeye thresher). Length frequency distribution of Alopias pelagicus from 55 to 185 cmFL (SD± 15.33) and for Alopias superciliosus ranged from 90 to 268 cmFL (SD± 27.05).