The ‘risk analysis – open category’ catches those references that don’t easily fit other Population Level Assessment categories. For example, studies modelling the vulnerability of data limited populations and species to fisheries bycatch and the potential efficacy of conservation and management measures [1,2].
You can narrow your search of literature in this category by using filters and keywords in the References section, for example:
- Use common or scientific names in the species filter to locate risk assessments for key species
- Use keywords such as north Atlantic or south Pacific to look at different ocean basins
- Use keywords or phrases, such as those in the list below:
- Bayesian modelling
- BRT - boosted regression tree
- EASI-Fish
- GAM - generalised additive model [also GAMM]
- GLM - generalized linear model [also GLMM]
- limit reference points
- Monte-Carlo simulations
- potential biological removal
- random forest
- regression tree
- RVLL - reproductive value loss limit
- SDM - species distribution models
- vulnerability assessment
- Lopez J, Griffiths S, Wallace B, et al (2024) Vulnerability of the Critically Endangered leatherback turtle to fisheries bycatch in the eastern Pacific Ocean. I. A machine-learning species distribution model. Endang Species Res 53:271–293.
- Griffiths S, Wallace B, Cáceres V, et al (2024) Vulnerability of the Critically Endangered leatherback turtle to fisheries bycatch in the eastern Pacific Ocean. II. Assessment of mitigation measures. Endang Species Res 53:295–326.