Proposal for Species Identification Guide for Cetaceans (whale and dolphins) occurring in the Indian Ocean

Moazzam M (2013) Proposal for Species Identification Guide for Cetaceans (whale and dolphins) occurring in the Indian Ocean. IOTC, La Reunion, France

To guide observers, samplers, as well as fishers in order to increase the recording and reporting of data on tuna and bycatch species, IOTC has published a series of Species Identification Guides. These guides were published as per the recommendations of the Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch and the Scientific Committee, IOTC has developed Identification guides for marine turtles, billfishes, seabirds, and sharks and rays that maybe incidentally caught or otherwise interact with IOTC fisheries targeting tuna and tuna-like species in the Indian Ocean. Species Identification Guide for tuna and tuna like species is being developed and will be published soon. There is no immediate plan to publish a guideline for cetaceans which are considered to important conflict with the tuna fisheries. A rationale for species identification guide is provided along with a proposed format for the guide.