Size and spatial distribution of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, caught by the Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean

Liu K-M, Su K-Y, Tsai W-P, Chin C-P (2021) Size and spatial distribution of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, caught by the Taiwanese large-scale longline fishery in the North Pacific Ocean. In: ISC 2021 2nd Shark Working Group Workshop. ISC/21/SHARKWG-2/13, Online, p 12

The size and spatial distribution of the blue shark, Prionace glauca, were described based on 5,897 specimens, that were collected by scientific observers on-board the Taiwanese large-scale tuna longline vessels in the North Pacific between June 2004 and December 2020. Size segregation was found, and the mean size of blue sharks in area B (0-25°N) was significantly smaller than that in area A (north of 25°N). No significant sex segregation was found. Males predominated in the size range of 170-280 cm and 170-200 cm TL in area A and B, respectively.