Mitigation Factsheets Update

Crawford R (2021) Mitigation Factsheets Update. In: ACAP - Tenth Meeting of the Seabird Bycatch Working Group. ACAP SBWG10, Electronic Meeting

Progress has been made in writing text for the Introductory Factsheet and creating a new
‘Improving Safety When Hauling Branchlines’ Factsheet; both are presented as annexes to
this paper for comment. Plans to complete the Bird Scaring Line sheets have not been
fulfilled, primarily because some of the details are still to be confirmed to ensure that the
sheets are clear and effective, but also because there have been some capacity limitations
in both the Secretariat and BirdLife. Regardless, completion of these sheets will be taken
forward as a priority post-SBWG10. The Working Group is also invited to provide thoughts
on which of the best practice mitigation measures should be the next priorities for update
(bearing in mind budgetary restrictions) and to consider assisting in completing translations
and proofreading of the Factsheets.