Review of resolutions C-16-01 and C-17-02: available information, data gaps, and potential improvements for monitoring the FAD fishery

Lopez J, Altamirano E, Lennert-Cody C, et al (2018) Review of resolutions C-16-01 and C-17-02: available information, data gaps, and potential improvements for monitoring the FAD fishery. In: Third Meeting of the IATTC Ad-hoc Permanent Working Group on FADs. IATTC-FAD-03 INF-A, La Jolla, California, p 29

The use of fish-aggregating devices (FADs) in tropical waters has increased significantly worldwide since the 1990s. Because their extensive use may have implications for the ecosystem, including target and non-target species and habitats, all the tuna regional fisheries management organizations have implemented conservation measures intended to monitor and control the impacts of these devices, including more comprehensive data collection and reporting schemes.
FAD-03 INF-A – Review of resolutions C-16-01 and C-17-02 2
In general, but in particular for the eastern Pacific Ocean, these FAD-related measures (IATTC Resolutions C-16-01 and C-17-02), although in force and implemented, are in their early stages. Consequently, both resolutions ask the IATTC staff, the Scientific Advisory Committee, and the Ad-Hoc Permanent Working Group on FADs to review the progress and results of the implementation of the FAD provisions and make recommendations to the Commission, as appropriate.
This document presents a review of Resolutions C-16-01 and C-17-02, analyzes the current forms and proposals for collecting data on FADs, describes current data availability, identifies data gaps, explores new methodologies for FAD marking and tracking, and discusses the potential implications of the current situation and the suggested changes for monitoring and managing the FAD fishery more holistically and from a global perspective. It also makes several recommendations on FAD data collection and monitoring, such as updating data collection forms, requiring high-resolution buoy data, revising the text of resolutions regarding FAD issues, and developing an effective FAD marking scheme, which are in line with the recommendations by the IATTC staff outlined in document SAC-09-15, and also support the staff’s research work plan (SAC-09-02) and the IATTC Strategic Scientific Plan (SAC-09-01) in the short and the long term, respectively.