Field Studies

    Title Start Year End Year Oceanic Region Type of tag Species Contact
    Gamefish Tagging Programme 2001 2011 Subtropical Convergence Conventional PORBEAGLE SHARK / Lamna nasus John Holdsworth
    Porbeagle Tracking Programme 2008 2011 Southwest Pacific Satellite PORBEAGLE SHARK / Lamna nasus Malcolm Francis
    Wet-season effects on the distribution of juvenile pigeye sharks 2008 2010 Southwest Pacific Sonic PIGEYE SHARK / Carcharhinus amboinensis Danielle Knip
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional PIGEYE SHARK / Carcharhinus amboinensis John Stevens
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 2010 2010 Subtropical Convergence Conventional PICKED DOGFISH / Squalus acanthias Russell Bradford
    CDFG/NMFS conventional tagging 1968 2011 California current Conventional PELAGIC THRESHER SHARK / Alopias pelagicus Suzanne Kohin
    NMFS OTC tagging 1998 2009 California current Conventional PELAGIC THRESHER SHARK / Alopias pelagicus Suzanne Kohin
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 2007 2011 Eastern Tropical Pacific Satellite PELAGIC THRESHER SHARK / Alopias pelagicus Diego Bernal
    NMFS/TOPP shark tagging 2002 2011 California current Satellite PELAGIC THRESHER SHARK / Alopias pelagicus Heidi Dewar
    Depth and movement behaviour of the Pacific sleeper shark in the north-east Pacific Ocean 2001 2002 Subarctic Pacific Satellite PACIFIC SLEEPER SHARK / Somniosus pacificus Lee Hulbert
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 1996 2008 Kuroshio Conventional OCEANIC WHITETIP SHARK / Carcharhinus longimanus Hiroaki Matsunaga
    NMFS/TOPP shark tagging 2002 2011 California current Satellite OCEANIC WHITETIP SHARK / Carcharhinus longimanus Heidi Dewar
    Evaluating post-release behaviour modification in large pelagic fish deployed with pop-up satellite archival tags 2004 2004 North Central Pacific Satellite OCEANIC WHITETIP SHARK / Carcharhinus longimanus John Hoolihan
    CDFG/NMFS conventional tagging 1968 2011 California current Conventional OCEANIC WHITETIP SHARK / Carcharhinus longimanus Suzanne Kohin
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional MILK SHARK / Rhizoprionodon acutus John Stevens
    An acoustic tracking of a megamouth shark, Megachasma pelagios: a crepuscular vertical migrator 1990 1990 California current Sonic MEGAMOUTH SHARK / Megachasma pelagios Donald Nelson (deceased)
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 2008 2008 Subtropical Convergence Conventional LONGNOSE SAWSHARK / Pristiophorus cirratus Russell Bradford
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 2008 2008 Subtropical Convergence Satellite LONGCOMB SAWFISH / Pristis zijsron Russell Bradford
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 2005 2010 Subtropical Convergence Conventional LITTLE GULPER SHARK / Centrophorus uyato Russell Bradford
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 2005 2010 Subtropical Convergence Sonic LITTLE GULPER SHARK / Centrophorus uyato Russell Bradford
    Validated age and growth of the leopard shark 1979 1981 California current Conventional LEOPARD SHARK / Triakis semifasciata David Kusher
    Leopard Shark Distribution, Mortality Rate, Yield, and Stock Replenishment Estimates 1979 1988 California current Conventional LEOPARD SHARK / Triakis semifasciata Susan Smith
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional HARDNOSE SHARK / Carcharhinus macloti John Stevens
    NMFS/TOPP shark tagging 2002 2011 California current Satellite HAMMERHEAD SHARKS NEI / Sphyrna spp. Heidi Dewar
    Untitled STAGIS Field Study 2008 2008 Subtropical Convergence Conventional GUMMY SHARK / Mustelus antarcticus Russell Bradford