Report of the Subcommittee on Ecosystems and Bycatch (SCECO)

ICCAT Secretariat (2023) Report of the Subcommittee on Ecosystems and Bycatch (SCECO). ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 80:001–071

Regarding ecosystems, the Subcommittee reviewed TORs for its case studies and several EU funded projects that support Ecosystem Report Card development. Among other things, updates were provided on a risk prioritization tool. The Subcommittee’s work to support decision making was advanced by identifying 2 responses to the Commission where ecosystem considerations can be included and how such considerations can be put in executive summaries. Regarding bycatch, the subcommittee reviewed the collaborative assessment’s final conclusions of ICCAT fisheries’ impact on Atlantic Ocean sea turtles and the process initiated for the Mediterranean Sea. A proposal to review Rec. 11-09’s seabird measures was reviewed and included in the work plan. The new ST-12 form was discussed; it will not be available when Rec. 22-12 enters into force. A response was given to Rec. 22-12’s request for the latitudinal limit of sea turtles. The Subcommittee requested financial support to continue the collaborative work on Mediterranean Sea turtles. The Subcommittee agreed to continue working in the Technical Subgroup on gear technical changes and to continue reviewing and refining the by-catch species list.