Electronic Monitoring Trials on the Tropical Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery

Ruiz J (2015) Electronic Monitoring Trials on the Tropical Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery

The true value of an observer lies in their independence from
the commercial fishing industry. This holds true for both, scientific data collection, and for any actions related to monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS).
For some types of data, such as discards, observer programs can be the most reliable, and sometimes the only source of information.
There are, however, several difficulties involved in placing observers onboard fishing vessels; high costs involved in observer placement, the limited availability of space onboard, piracy (Indian Ocean).
Is the technology (EM system) a real option for monitoring the tropical tunapurse seine fishery?
Two studies have been conducted determining effectiveness of EMS on the tropical tuna purse seine fishery.