Field Studies

    Title Start Year End Year Oceanic Region Type of tag Species Contact
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional SNAGGLETOOTH SHARK / Hemipristis elongatus John Stevens
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional PIGEYE SHARK / Carcharhinus amboinensis John Stevens
    Spatial dynamics and habitat preferences of juvenile white sharks 2007 Southwest Pacific Satellite GREAT WHITE SHARK / Carcharodon carcharias Barry Bruce
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional TAWNY NURSE SHARK / Nebrius ferrugineus John Stevens
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional GRACEFUL SHARK / Carcharhinus amblyrhynchoides John Stevens
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional ZEBRA SHARK / Stegostoma fasciatum John Stevens
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional AUSTRALIAN SHARPNOSE SHARK / Rhizoprionodon taylori John Stevens
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional SICKLEFIN LEMON SHARK / Negaprion acutidens John Stevens
    Mark-recapture population estimate and movements of Grey Nurse Sharks 1999 2003 Southwest Pacific Conventional GREY NURSE/ SAND TIGER SHARK / Carcharius taurus Nick Otway
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional WHITECHEEK SHARK / Carcharhinus dussumieri John Stevens
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional SILKY SHARK / Carcharhinus falciformis John Stevens
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional SPINNER SHARK / Carcharhinus brevipinna John Stevens
    Satellite tagging of blue sharks 2004 2005 Southwest Pacific Satellite BLUE SHARK / Prionace glauca John Stevens
    Satellite tagging of blue sharks 2004 2005 Southwest Pacific Satellite SHORTFIN MAKO / Isurus oxyrhinchus John Stevens
    Connectivity of Tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier) andother large shark species in the South Pacific 2009 2010 Southwest Pacific Sonic TIGER SHARK / Galeocerdo cuvier Jonathan Werry
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional TIGER SHARK / Galeocerdo cuvier John Stevens
    Satellite tagging of blue sharks 2004 2005 Southwest Pacific Satellite COMMON THRESHER SHARK / Alopias vulpinus John Stevens
    Connectivity of Tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier) andother large shark species in the South Pacific 2009 2009 Southwest Pacific Satellite TIGER SHARK / Galeocerdo cuvier Jonathan Werry
    Movements, recapture patterns, and factors affecting the return rate of carcharhinid and other sharks tagged off northern Australia 1983 1985 Southwest Pacific Conventional CREEK WHALER / Carcharhinus fitzroyensis John Stevens
    Validation of geolocation estimates based on light level and sea surface temperature from electronic tags 2002 2002 Subarctic Pacific Satellite SALMON SHARK / Lamna ditropis Steve Teo
    Satellite Tagging and Cardiac Physiology Reveal Niche Expansion in Salmon Sharks 2002 2005 Subarctic Pacific Satellite SALMON SHARK / Lamna ditropis Kevin Weng
    Migration of an upper trophic level predator, the salmon shark between distant ecoregions 2002 2006 Subarctic Pacific Satellite SALMON SHARK / Lamna ditropis Kevin Weng
    Salmon Shark, Lamna ditropis, Movements, Diet, and Abundance in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean and Prince William Sound, Alaska 1999 2002 Subarctic Pacific Conventional SALMON SHARK / Lamna ditropis Lee Hulbert
    foraging movements and migratory patterns of Salmon Shark 1999 2002 Subarctic Pacific Satellite SALMON SHARK / Lamna ditropis Lee Hulbert
    Depth and movement behaviour of the Pacific sleeper shark in the north-east Pacific Ocean 2001 2002 Subarctic Pacific Satellite PACIFIC SLEEPER SHARK / Somniosus pacificus Lee Hulbert