Progress on the WCPFC Stock Assessments and Shark Research Plan (Summary Table)

Secretariat (2016) Progress on the WCPFC Stock Assessments and Shark Research Plan (Summary Table). WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia

The Secretariat prepared an overview matrix for the progress of the Shark Research Plan based on Table 1 and Table 2 in Attachment H of the SC11 Summary Report. SC12 is invited to review, update and recommend a refined stock assessment schedule and projects for the Commission’s consideration.
For explanations of the intent of the work outlined in the Tables 1 and 2, refer to the Shark Research Plan (SC11-EB-WP-01) and to Appendix A.
The Secretariat prepared Appendix A, outlining potential scopes of work for 2017. The 2017 work programme will be reviewed by an Informal Small Group which is also asked to provide associated indicative budgets for each project, to guide WCPFC Science Research Sub-Committee’s deliberations.