Annual WCPFC Report SC12: Joint Tuna RFMO Bycatch Technical Working Group

Smith N, Nicol S (2016) Annual WCPFC Report SC12: Joint Tuna RFMO Bycatch Technical Working Group. WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia

1. SC12 is requested to note the progress made towards completing the work plan of the Joint Tuna-RFMO By-catch Technical Working Group as outlined in the report.
2. SC12 is requested to note the opportunity to contribute towards the development of the future work plan of the Joint Tuna-RFMO By-catch Technical Working Group.
3. SC12 is requested to identify its preferred two contact points for ongoing engagement in the Joint Tuna-RFMO By-catch Technical Working Group.
This report documents the progress on the following elements of this work plan since the 2015 report (Nicol 2015) with an emphasis on tasks completed in the WCPFC area:
2. Harmonisation of identification guides;
3. Updating of by-catch research priorities and promotion of collaborative work;
4. Improved Information sharing through the BMIS;
5. Facilitation of Risk Assessments (sharks as the priority);
6. Identification of Funding Sources; and
7. Enhanced compliance with data reporting requirements.