Theme Session C – Managing fisheries bycatch of threatened species

ICES (2023) Theme Session C – Managing fisheries bycatch of threatened species. In: ICES Annual Science Conference. Bilbao, Spain

Book of abstracts of theme session C:Managing fisheries bycatch of threatened species​Conveners: Eric Gilman (USA), Milani Chaloupka (Australia), Petri Suuronen (Finland)CM 15: Criteria for evaluating alternative management strategies for fisheries bycatch of threatened speciesCM 19: One study is not enough — Bayesian meta-synthesis of ocean-specific shark bycatch mortality ratesCM 61: Modernizing historic fishery effort distribution data to advise risk reduction for the North Atlantic right whaleCM 70: Post-release survival of mobulid rays in purse seine fisheriesCM 93: The potential of artificial intelligence to manage and reduce bycatchCM 98: Finding our way through the forest: using machine learning to improve catch estimationCM 104: Assessing selectivity and bycatch of endangered, threatened and protected species in the trolling and pole-and-line artisanal tuna fisheriesCM 139: Spatial overlap of threatened groundfish with commercial fisheries highlights conservation priority areas in Eastern CanadCM 147: Cooperative development and adoption of bycatch release devices for vulnerable elasmobranch species with the Spanish tropical tuna purse seine fleetCM 154: The effects of data class and assessment frequency on Management Procedure performance: the case of NE PorbeagleCM 168: No reduction in bycatch rates of seabirds observed in bottom set gillnets equipped with LED lightsCM 170: How Shark Management Performance is Affected by Bycatch Indices: the effects of non-linear relationships between bycatch per unit effort and abundance on the CITES listed NE Porbeagle SharksCM 212: Potentialities of incentive-based approaches to reduce marine mammal bycatchCM 216: Can pearls protect porpoises? Application of acoustic reflectors in gillnets to reduce bycatch of harbour porpoises and other odontocetes while keeping fish catches highCM 229: Advanced, spatially based and real-time, software solutions for fisheries managementCM 234: Vulnerability of skates bycaught in the demersal longline fishery in the French exclusive economic zones of Kerguelen and Crozet (Southern Ocean)CM 235: A probabilistic time geographic approach to quantifying bycatch risk of seabirdsCM 258: Catch and bycatch in the tangle net fishery for spiny lobster (Palinurus elephas) off the south west coast of IrelandCM 260: Reducing seabird bycatch from gillnets in the Baltic Sea: a toolbox approachCM 280: Bio-inspired acoustic beacons to limit fishery by-catch of common dolphins Delphinus delphisCM 284: BEAM me up! Developing a Bycatch Evaluation and Assessment Matrix to support bycatch advice for sensitive speciesCM 286: Multifaceted effects of hook and bait types on target/non-target species for pelagic longline fisheries and consideration for bycatch managementCM 290: Projecting the future distribution of target and bycatch species in the California Current SystemCM 294: Mitigating harmful interactions between the Baltic grey seal and fisheriesCM 303: Additional weight to mitigate seabird bycatch in the Mediterranean: A pilot study in small-scale demersal longlinersCM 304: Simulations for Characterising Optimal moniToring Implementations to inform the BEAM monitoring advice frameworkCM 314: Accidental bycatch of birds and seals in passive commercial fishing gear of Estonian coastal fishery CM 318: Long-term study evaluating factors affecting bycatch of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina), including pinger effectiveness, in Swedish gillnet fisheriesCM 327: The impact of commercial fisheries on tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) in the northeast AtlanticCM 340: That’s all we Know: Inferring the status of threatened deep-water shark Dalatias licha based on an integrated assessmentCM 344: Statistical analysis of the cetacean bycatch monitoring programme on board the Spanish set gillnet and bottom pair trawl fleets in the Bay of BiscayCM 351: Are fishers’ views of bycatch likely to influence their uptake of appropriate mitigation actions to avoid it?CM 357: Spatio-temporal relative risk of bycatch for four protected cetacean species commonly found in the Irish EEZCM 358: Common dolphin bycatch in bottom trawling: the role of the catch compositionCM 360: Exploring potential dynamic time-area closures to reduce silky shark bycatch in the European tropical tuna purse seine fishery operating in the Eastern Atlantic OceanCM 361: Deterrent devices reduce bycatch of cetaceans in the Portuguese sardine purse seine fisheryCM 374: One to rule them all…: Using multispecies fish pots to reduce the bycatch of marine mammals and seabirdsCM 377: Exploitation and conservation status of Rajiformes species in the Western MediterraneanCM 380: Mobile electronic monitoring for fisheries management and research: HafsAuga mobileEMCM 413: Smartrawl: a vision for sustainable fishing and an end to trawl bycatchCM 420: Monitoring bycatches of mammals and birds in small-scale Swedish gillnet fisheriesCM 426: Towards automated bycatch detection in Electronic Monitoring data: a case study on small-scale fisheries and porpoises bycatch in gillnetsCM 443: Building a comprehensive pipeline to estimate bycatch among fleets: a case study in the Bay of Biscay common dolphins (Delphinus delphis)CM 489: Initiatives to investigate and improve bycatch data from cetacean strandingsCM 508: Bycatch of anadromous clupeid fish at sea in the North and Western Iberian Peninsula region: insights into stock mixing at sea and conservation implicationsCM 517: Using species-specific gear modifications to reduce discards in trammel net fisheriesCM 536: Assessing bycatch of the European shag (Gulosus aristotelis) by fishing activities in the Basque coast (Bay of Biscay)CM 542: Drivers of the distribution of two demersal batoids in the Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) during the last two decadesCM 545: By-catch monitoring methods for small, coastal fisheries boats. Lesson from the Szczecin Lagoon (Baltic Sea)CM 548: Blue shark by-catch in the south Adriatic Sea (central Mediterranean): catch rate, distribution and post release survivalCM 558: Effectiveness assessment of cetacean bycatch reduction strategies and fishing technical measures in Iberian waters and Bay of BiscayCM 588: Quantifying and understanding cetacean bycatchCM 589: Bycatch mitigation measures to reduce the impact of fisheries-related mortality of cetaceans in north Spanish gillnet and purse seine fisheriesCM 593: Northern Fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) bycatch in the North AtlanticCM 603: Vulnerability assessment of marine resources caught in industrial bottom trawl shrimp fishery in the Amazon Continental ShelfCM 618: Towards dynamic ocean management of prioritized species in tuna fisheriesCM 635: Exploring fishers’ perceptions of gear pollution and bycatch and their willingness to engage with mitigation measuresCM 640: Catchsnappers: making co-created bycatch registrations from smartphone apps sharable with global biodiversity databasesCM 647: Modelling bycatch related factors: loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta; Cheloniidae) caught by trawlers in South Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean) case studyCM 653: EASI-Fish – A Flexible Catch-Independent Assessment Tool for Quantifying the Vulnerability of Bycatch Species to the Cumulative Impacts of Fisheries in Data-Limited SettingsCM 654: Patterns in the landed catches and determinants of catch composition in the South African inshore trawl fisheryCM 658: The role of GFCM in minimizing and mitigating negative impacts of fisheries on marine biodiversity and ecosystems, especially in relation to vulnerable species