The E-Observing System for Small Long-line Fishing Vessels Developed by the Fishery Agency of Taiwan

Lin CH (2015) The E-Observing System for Small Long-line Fishing Vessels Developed by the Fishery Agency of Taiwan

An E-Monitoring System for small long-line fishing vessels was developed, and it had been tested on a 17 meters long vessel for more than one year.
More than 2000 catches from 20 voyages show that their lengths measured by the E-Reporting System are very close with the length measured by the crews. Deviations less than 10% occupy about 90% of the data.
The E-Reporting System is able to retrieve fishing operation information and catch data from the E-Monitoring System. One day fishing operation about16 hours needs 2 hours to survey.
Since this E-Observing System could collect many valuable data from the recovery videos of E-Monitoring System, it is believed that the developed System possesses potential to replace the duties of on board observer.