Resolution 23/06

Regulation Title
Resolution on the Conservation of Cetaceans

This Resolution prohibits vessels* from intentionally setting purse seine nets around cetaceans. Where a cetacean is unintentionally encircled in a purse seine net, or captured or entangled in gillnets, the Resolution requires fishers to follow IOTC best practice guidelines for the safe release and handling of cetaceans.

The Resolution also emphasizes the importance of data collection to enable improved management of cetaceans. Vessels are required to record and report all interactions with cetaceans.

Non-entangling materials and designs for Fish Aggregation Devices (FADs) are required.


*This measure shall apply to all fishing vessels flying the flag of a CPC and on the IOTC Record of Fishing Vessels or authorised to fish tuna and tuna-like species managed in the IOTC area of competence. The provisions of this measure do not apply to artisanal fisheries operating exclusively in their respective EEZ. Note - they are, however, encouraged to immediately release animals and report interactions.



IOTC safe handling and release guidelines - refer to Poisson et al (2012) for whale sharks 

This Resolution also refers to the WCPFC Best Practices for the Safe Handling and Release of Cetaceans (Guidelines & Graphics) - Supplements to WCPFC CMM 2011-03-02