Progress of FADMO-IWG priority tasks for 2023

FAD Management Options IWG (2023) Progress of FADMO-IWG priority tasks for 2023. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 19th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC19-2023/EB-WP-13 (Rev.01), Koror, Palau

1. This paper provides background information on the priority tasks of the FAD Management Options IWG to progress its work this 2023 which includes: i. outcomes from SC18, TCC18, and WCPFC19 related to biodegradable FADs and areas to be addressed. ii. implementation of paragraph 21 of CMM 2021-01 and A flag CCM shall ensure that each of its purse seine vessels shall have deployed at sea, at any one time, no more than 350 drifting Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) with activated instrumented buoys. An instrumented buoy is defined as a buoy with a clearly marked reference number allowing its identification and equipped with a satellite tracking system to monitor its position. The buoy shall be activated exclusively on board the vessel. A flag CCM shall ensure that its vessels operating in the waters of a coastal State comply with the laws of that coastal State relating to FAD management, including FAD tracking. iii. implementation of paragraph 22 of CMM 2021-01 CCMs shall also encourage vessels to: (a) responsibly manage the number of drifting FADs deployed each year; (b) carry equipment on board to facilitate the retrieval of lost drifting FADs; (c) make reasonable efforts to retrieve lost drifting FADs; and (d) report the loss of drifting FADs, and if the loss occurred in the EEZ of a coastal State, report the loss to the coastal State concerned. 2. The SC is requested to review and provide recommendations/guidance to be considered by the FADMO-IWG, TCC, or the Commission.