Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Sosa-Nishizaki O, Castillo-Géniz JL, Benitez-Diaz H (2022) Conservación, uso y aprovechamiento sustentable de tiburones mexicanos listados en la CITES. Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad, Mexico
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Seret B, Coelho R, Bach P, et al (2022) Biological information for most commonly shark species caught in tuna fisheries. In: IOTC - 18th Working Party on Ecosystems & Bycatch. IOTC-2022-WPEB18-13, Online
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Mundy-Taylor V, Crook V (2013) Into The Deep: Implementing CITES Measures For Commercially-Valuable Sharks And Manta Rays. Report prepared for the European Commission, European Union
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Mancusi C, Baino R, Fortuna C, et al (2020) MEDLEM database, a data collection on large Elasmobranchs in the Mediterranean and Black seas. Mediterranean Marine Science 21:276–288.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Ford R, Francis M, Holland L, et al (2018) Qualitative (Level 1) risk assessment of the impact of commercial fishing on New Zealand chondrichthyans: an update for 2017 New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 201
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments