IATTC Research on Reducing Shark Bycatch in the Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean

Scott MD (2007) IATTC Research on Reducing Shark Bycatch in the Tuna Purse-Seine Fishery in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. WCPFC SC3/EB SWG/IP-3, Honolulu, Hawaii

There is worldwide concern about the effect of fishery bycatch on shark populations. In the ETP, there is particular concern about the high bycatch of sharks in tuna purse-seine nets during sets on FADs. The IATTC has proposed a number of studies aimed at reducing bycatch, and the NMFS has provided funding for a preliminary study of one of these methods. This paper describes a research plan to reduce shark bycatch during FAD sets. We will attempt to study the usefulness of bait stations in attracting sharks away from FADs prior to a set and thus avoiding encirclement by the purse seine. The key questions for this study are 1) whether the bait station is more attractive to the sharks than a FAD, 2) whether the sharks can be attracted without the tunas being attracted as well, and 3) whether the use of bait stations is practical and efficient within the constraints of a purse-seine fishing operation. The cooperation of an Ecuador-based purse seiner to conduct this preliminary study has been offered, and the field work is scheduled to begin in mid-September 2007.