
    Agency Year adopted Title Mitigation Techniques Species Groups Fishing Gear PDF
    IATTC Resolution C-23-07
    Conservation Measures for the Protection and Sustainable Management of Sharks
    Monofilament / Wire Leaders, Purse seine deck release devices, Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 22-11
    Recommendation by ICCAT on the Conservation of the South Atlantic Stock of Shortfin Mako Caught in Association with ICCAT Fisheries
    Purse seine deck release devices, Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 23-12
    Recommendation by ICCAT for the Conservation of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) Caught in Association with ICCAT Fisheries
    Purse seine deck release devices, Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK PS PDF
    ICCAT Resolution 23-15
    Resolution by ICCAT on Cetacean Encirclement
    Purse seine deck release devices, Safe handling & release MAM PS PDF