Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
WCPFC (2016) Guidelines for the safe release of encircled whale sharks - Supplementary Information for CMM 2022-04-01
PS Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Horodysky AZ, Cooke SJ, Graves JE, Brill RW (2016) Fisheries conservation on the high seas: linking conservation physiology and fisheries ecology for the management of large pelagic fishes. Conserv Physiol 4:cov059.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Eddy C, Brill R, Bernal D (2016) Rates of at-vessel mortality and post-release survival of pelagic sharks captured with tuna purse seines around drifting fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean. Fisheries Research 174:109–117.
PS Sharks and Rays
Simpfendorfer C, Rigby C (2016) CITES Pacific Shark Workshop Report on Non-detriment Findings for CITES Appendix II Sharks and Rays. WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
ISSF (2016) Protecting Sharks: Reducing Shark Bycatch in Purse Seine Fisheries
PS Sharks and Rays
Dapp DR, Walker TI, Huveneers C, Reina RD (2016) Respiratory mode and gear type are important determinants of elasmobranch immediate and post-release mortality. Fish Fish 17:507–524.
LL, GN Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Population Level Assessments
Arocha F, Narvaez M, Silva J, et al (2016) Update on the Venezuelan catch and spatial-temporal distribution of blue shark (Prionace glauca) in the Caribbean Sea and adjacent waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 72:1020–1032
LL, GN Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Campana SE (2016) Transboundary movements, unmonitored fishing mortality, and ineffective international fisheries management pose risks for pelagic sharks in the Northwest Atlantic. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 73:1599–1607.
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Poisson F, Crespo FA, Ellis JR, et al (2016) Technical mitigation measures for sharks and rays in fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species: turning possibility into reality. Aquat Living Resour 29:402.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Weigmann S (2016) Annotated checklist of the living sharks, batoids and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes) of the world, with a focus on biogeographical diversity. J Fish Biol 88:837–1037.
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Population Level Assessments
Bezerra NPA, Travassos P, Hazin FHV (2016) Vulnerability to longline fisheries of three hammerhead shark Sphyrna species in the south-western and equatorial Atlantic Ocean. J Fish Biol 89:1419–1433.
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Population Level Assessments
Lezama Ochoa N, Murua H, Chust G, et al (2016) Present and future potential habitat distribution of Carcharhinus falciformis and Canthidermis maculata by-catch species in the tropical tuna purse-seine fishery under climate change. Front Mar Sci 3:34.
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Forselledo R, Domingo A, Mas F (2016) Update on task II size sampling based on Japanese tuna fleet operating in Uruguayan EEZ (2009-2011). ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 72:1101–1104
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Peatman T, Pilling G (2016) Monte Carlo simulation modelling of purse seine catches of silky and oceanic whitetip sharks. WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia
PS Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Leroy B, Vanden Heuval B, Forget F (2016) Pacific Tuna Tagging Project, Phase 2 (Central Pacific) cruise CP-12, first leg: 9th September to 14th October 2016 Summary report.
PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Davidson LNK, Krawchuk MA, Dulvy NK (2016) Why have global shark and ray landings declined: improved management or overfishing? Fish Fish 17:438–458.
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Peterson C (2016) Patterns of Abundance and Community Dynamics in Atlantic Coastal Sharks. Scientific, The College of William and Mary
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Barreto R, Ferretti F, Flemming JM, et al (2016) Trends in the exploitation of South Atlantic shark populations. Conservation Biology 30:792–804.
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Wögerbauer C, O’Reilly S, Doody C, et al (2016) Recent data (2007-2013) from the Irish blue shark recreational fishery. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 72:1150–1166
LL Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Population Level Assessments
Varghese SP, Gulati DK, Unnikrishnan N, Ayoob AE (2016) Biological aspects of silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) in the eastern Arabian Sea. J Mar Biol Ass 96:1437–1447.
LL, PS, GN Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Clarke S, Manarangi-Trott L, Taholo A (2016) Data Available to the Commission to Address the Implementation and  Effectiveness of CMM 2010-07 regarding Shark Finning. WCPFC, Bali, Indonesia
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Coelho R (2016) Hooking Mortality Of Oceanic Whitetip Sharks Caught In A Pelagic Longline Targeting Swordfish In The SW Indian Ocean: Comments On The Efficiency Of No-Retention Measures. In: IOTC - 12th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2016-WPEB12-26, Seychelles
LL Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
ISSF (2016) Mitigation of Silky Shark Bycatch in Tropical Tuna Purse Seine Fisheries. In: IOTC - 12th Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2016-WPEB12-39, Seychelles
PS Sharks and Rays
Coelho R, Santos MN, Lino PG (2016) Standardized CPUE of blue shark in the Portuguese pelagic longline fleet operating in the North Atlantic. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 72:1044–1066
LL Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Aneesh Kumar KV, Pravin P, Khanolkar PS, et al (2016) The effect of depth of operation and soaking time on catch rates in the experimental tuna longline fisheries in Lakshadweep Sea, Indi. Iranian Jour FS 15:597–605
LL Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques