Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Piovano S, Farcomeni A, Giacoma C (2012) Effects of chemicals from longline baits on the biting behaviour of loggerhead sea turtles. African Journal of Marine Science 34:283–287.
LL Sea Turtles
Itano D, Restrepo V (2011) Status of the Purse Seine Bycatch Mitigation Project and research cruises funded by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation with notes on the development of best practices for the live release of encircled animals. WCPFC, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Løkkeborg S (2011) Best practices to mitigate seabird bycatch in longline, trawl and gillnet fisheries - efficiency and practical applicability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 435:285–303.
LL, GN Seabirds
ISSF (2010) ISSF Meeting on mitigation of by-catches in the Tuna Purse seine Floating Object fisheries: Sukarrieta, Spain 24-27 Nov 2009. WCPFC, Nuku’alofa, Tonga
PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
AZTI-Tecnalia (2010) Purse seine by-catch mitigation techniques. WCPFC and ISSF, Nuku’alofa, Tonga
Patterson HM, Tudman MJ (2009) Chondrichthyan guide for fisheries managers: A practical guide to mitigating chondrichthyan bycatch. Bureau of Rural Sciences and Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Lack M, Meere F (2009) Regional Plan of Action for Sharks: Guidance for Pacific Island Countries and Territories on the Conservation and Management of Sharks
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
ACAP (2009) Mitigation measures for pelagic longline gear: a report on the work of the seabird bycatch working group, agreement on the conservation of albatrosses and petrels. ACAP
LL Seabirds
Alessandro L, Antonello S (2009) An overview of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) bycatch and technical mitigation measures in the Mediterranean Sea. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 20:141–161.
LL, GN Sea Turtles
Mandelman JW, Cooper PW, Werner TB, Lagueux KM (2008) Shark bycatch and depredation in the U.S. Atlantic pelagic longline fishery. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 18:427–442.
LL Sharks and Rays
Southwood A, Fritsches K, Brill R, Swimmer Y (2008) Sound, chemical, and light detection in sea turtles and pelagic fishes: sensory-based approaches to bycatch reduction in longline fisheries. Endangered Species Research 5:225–238.
LL Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Gilman E, Clarke S, Brothers N, et al (2008) Shark interactions in pelagic longline fisheries. Marine Policy 32:1–18.
LL Sharks and Rays
Norden WS, Pierre JP (2007) Exploiting sensory ecology to reduce seabird by-catch. Emu 107:38–43.
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Gilman E, Clarke, S., Brothers, N., et al (2007) Shark depredation and unwanted bycatch in pelagic longline fisheries industry practices and attitudes, and shark avoidance strategies. Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, Honolulu, Hawaii
LL Sharks and Rays
Petersen SL (2007) Development of Mitigation Measures to Reduce Seabird Mortality in Pelagic Longline Fisheries. Birdlife, Victoria, Seychelles
LL Seabirds
Southwood A, Higgins B, Brill R, Swimmer Y (2007) Chemoreception in loggerhead sea turtles: an assessment of the feasibility of using chemical deterrents to prevent sea turtle interactions with longline fishing gear. Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
LL Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
ACAP (2007) Seabird Bycatch Mitigation: Minimum Standards for Pelagic Longline Fishing and Priorities for Further Research. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 3rd Regular Session. WCPFC-SC3-EB SWG/WP-14, Honolulu, United States of America
LL Seabirds
Werner T, Kraus S, Read A, Zollett E (2006) Fishing Techniques to Reduce the Bycatch of Threatened Marine Animals. Marine Technology Society Journal 40:50–68.
LL Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Gilman E, Brothers N, McPherson G, Dalzell P (2006) A review of cetacean interactions with longline gear. J Cetacean Res Manage 8:215–223
LL Marine Mammals
Pierre JP, Norden WS (2006) Reducing seabird bycatch in longline fisheries using a natural olfactory deterrent. Biological Conservation 130:406–415.
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Swimmer Y, Brill RW (2006) Sea turtle and pelagic fish sensory biology: developing techniques to reduce sea turtle bycatch in longline fisheries. US Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
LL Sea Turtles
Pierre J, Norden W (2005) Trials using shark liver oil to deter seabirds from eating bait during long-line fishing, Leigh, New Zealand. Conservation Evidence 2:99–100
LL Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Long K J, Block BA (2003) Proceedings of the International Technical Expert Workshop on Marine Turtle Bycatch in Longline Fisheries. U.S. Dep. Commerce, NOAA, Seattle, Washington
LL Sea Turtles
Robins CM, Bache S J, Kalish S R (2002) Bycatch of Sea Turtles in Pelagic Longline Fisheries – Australia. Bureau of Rural Sciences, Australia
LL Sea Turtles
Sisneros JA, Nelson DR (2001) Surfactants as chemical shark repellents: past, present, and future. Environmental Biology of Fishes 60:117–129
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques