Search References

Year Citation Gear Species Technique/Category
Hazen E (2015) Dynamic Oceans and Dynamic Ecosystems
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Cauquil P, Rabearisoa N, Sabarros PS, et al (2015) ObServe: Database and operational software for longline and purse seine fishery data. IOTC, Olhao, Portugal
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
Geraghty PT, Macbeth WG, Harry AV, et al (2014) Age and growth parameters for three heavily exploited shark species off temperate eastern Australia. ICES J Mar Sci 71:559–573.
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Innis CJ, Merigo C, Cavin JM, et al (2014) Serial assessment of the physiological status of leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) during direct capture events in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean: comparison of post-capture and pre-release data. Conserv Physiol 2:cou048.
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Schiller L Louise (2014) Tuna Be, Or Not Tuna Be: Using Catch Data To Observe The Ecological Impacts Of Commercial Tuna Fisheries In The Pacific Ocean At Varying Spatial Scales. B Sc (Hons), University of British Columbia
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Smith MA, Walker NJ, Free CM, et al (2014) Identifying marine Important Bird Areas using at-sea survey data. Biological Conservation 172:180–189.
LL, PS Seabirds
Mitigation Techniques
Angel A, Nel R, Wanless RM, et al (2014) Ecological Risk Assessment of sea turtles to tuna fishing in the ICCAT region. ICCAT Collect Vol Sci Papers 70:2226–2259
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Population Level Assessments
Mundy-Taylor V, Crook V, Foster S, et al (2014) CITES Non-detriment Findings Guidance for Shark Species. A Framework to assist Authorities in making Non-detriment Findings (NDFs) for species listed in CITES Appendix II. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 10th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC10-2014/ EB-IP-13, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands, p 129
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Francis M (2014) Survival and depth distribution of spinetail devilrays (Mobula japanica) released from purse-seine catches. NIWA
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Management Categories
ISC Shark Working Group (2014) Stock Assessment and Future Projections (2014) of Blue Shark in the North Pacific Ocean. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 10th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC10-2014/ SA-WP-14 Rev 1, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Anon (2014) Ghosts of the Indian Ocean - Olive Ridley Project
PS, GN Sea Turtles
Rice J, Semba Y (2014) Age and Sex Specific Natural Mortality of the Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) in the North Pacific Ocean. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 10th Regular Session. WCPFC‐SC9‐2014/SA‐IP‐13, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
ACAP (2014) Best Practice Seabird Bycatch Mitigation Criteria and Definition. In: ACAP Eighth Meeting of the Advisory Committee. AC8 Doc 12 Rev 1, Punta del Este, Uruguay
LL, PS Seabirds
Lack M, Sant G, Burgener M, Okes N (2014) Development of a Rapid Management-Risk Assessment Method for Fish Species through its Application to Sharks. In: WCPFC Scientific Committee 10th Regular Session. WCPFC-SC10-2014/ EB-IP-12a, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands
LL, PS Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Roe JH, Morreale SJ, Paladino FV, et al (2014) Predicting bycatch hotspots for endangered leatherback turtles on longlines in the Pacific Ocean. Proc R Soc B 281:20132559.
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Hochscheid S (2014) Why we mind sea turtles’ underwater business: A review on the study of diving behavior. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 450:118–136.
LL, PS Sea Turtles
Mitigation Techniques
Management Categories
Papworth W, Favero M, Wolfaardt A (2014) Review of RFMO Engagement Strategy. ACAP Seabird Bycatch Working Group, Punta del Este, Uruguay
LL, PS Seabirds
Management Categories
Lascelles B, Notarbartolo Di Sciara G, Agardy T, et al (2014) Migratory marine species: their status, threats and conservation management needs. Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst 24:111–127.
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mitigation Techniques
Scientific Advisory Committee I (2014) Recommendations by the Staff for Conservation Measures in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, 2014
LL, PS Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Fletcher W (Rick) J (2014) Review and refinement of an existing qualitative risk assessment method for application within an ecosystem-based management framework. ICES J Mar Sci fsu142.
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Population Level Assessments
Juan-Jordá MJ, Arrizabalaga H, Dulvy NK, et al (2014) Preliminary review of ICCAT, IOTC and IATTC progress in applying an ecosystem approach to fisheries management. In: 10th Session of the IOTC Working Party on Ecosystems and Bycatch. IOTC-2014-WPEB10-33, Olhão, Portugal
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Tisot A, Papworth W (2014) E-monitoring Factsheet. ACAP Seabird Bycatch Working Group, Punta del Este, Uruguay
LL, PS Seabirds
Management Categories
Squires D, Clarke R, Chan V (2014) Subsidies, public goods, and external benefits in fisheries. Marine Policy 45:222–227.
LL, PS Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Mangel JC, Alfaro-Shigueto J, Wang J, et al (2014) Tests of visual cues and sub-surface nets as bycatch mitigation measures in small-scale gillnet fisheries in Peru. SBWG6 Doc 16, Punta del Este, Uruguay
PS, GN Marine Mammals,
Sea Turtles,
Sharks and Rays
Stelfox MR, Hudgins JA, Anderson RC (2014) High mortality of Olive Ridley turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) in ghost nets in the central Indian Ocean. IOTC-2014-WPEB10-28, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
PS, GN Sea Turtles