
    Agency Year adopted Title Mitigation Techniques Species Groups Fishing Gear PDF
    CCSBT Seabirds - non-binding
    Non-Binding Measures on Seabirds
    Bait size and condition, hooking technique, Management of offal discharge, Safe handling & release, Streamer (tori) lines BRD LL PDF
    Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program
    Backdown procedure and Medina panel, Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures MAM, TTX PS PDF
    IATTC AIDCP MOP 7 - Guidelines for sets on large herds
    Agreement on the International Dolphin Conservation Program - Technical Guidelines to Prevent High Mortality During Sets on Large Dolphin Herds
    Backdown procedure and Medina panel, Safe handling & release MAM PS PDF
    ICCAT Resolution 03-10
    Resolution by ICCAT on the Shark Fishery
    Safe handling & release SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 04-10
    Recommendation by ICCAT Concerning the Conservation of Sharks Caught in Association with Fisheries Managed by ICCAT
    Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS PDF
    WCPFC CMM-2004-04
    Resolution on conservation and management measures
    Spatial & temporal measures TTX, SHK, BRD, MAM LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Resolution 05-08
    Resolution by ICCAT on Circle Hooks
    Circle hooks, Safe handling & release SHK, TTX LL PDF
    IATTC Resolution C-04-05 (REV 2)
    Consolidated Resolution on Bycatch
    ALDFG - management of abandoned, lost, discarded fishing gear, FAD design & management, Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures TTX, SHK PS, LL PDF
    ICCAT Supplemental Recommendation 07-06
    Supplemental Recommendation by ICCAT Concerning Sharks
    Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 07-07
    Recommendation by ICCAT on Reducing Incidental By-catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
    Line weighting & bait sink rate, Night / day setting, Spatial & temporal measures, Streamer (tori) lines BRD LL PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 09-07
    Recommendation by ICCAT on the Conservation of Thresher Sharks Caught in Association with Fisheries in the ICCAT Convention Area
    Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 10-09
    Recommendation by ICCAT on the By-Catch of Sea Turtles in ICCAT Fisheries
    Safe handling & release TTX LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 10-06
    Recommendation by ICCAT on Atlantic Shortfin Mako Sharks Caught in Association with Fisheries in the ICCAT Convention Area
    Safe handling & release SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 10-08
    Recommendation by ICCAT on Hammerhead Sharks (Family Sphyrnidae) Caught in Association With Fisheries Managed By ICCAT
    Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 10-07
    Recommendation by ICCAT on the Conservation of Oceanic Whitetip Shark Caught in Association with Fisheries in the ICCAT Convention Area
    Safe handling & release SHK LL, PS PDF
    IATTC Resolution C-11-02
    Resolution to Mitigate the Impact on Seabirds of Fishing for Species Covered by the IATTC
    Dyed bait, Line shooter, Line weighting & bait sink rate, Management of offal discharge, Night / day setting, Safe handling & release, Side-setting, Spatial & temporal measures, Streamer (tori) lines, Underwater setting techniques BRD LL PDF
    IATTC Resolution C-11-10
    Resolution on the Conservation of Oceanic Whitetip Sharks Caught in Association with Fisheries in the Antigua Convention Area
    Safe handling & release SHK LL, PS PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 11-08
    Recommendation by ICCAT on the Conservation of Silky Sharks Caught in Association with ICCAT Fisheries
    Safe handling & release SHK PS, LL PDF
    ICCAT Recommendation 11-09
    Supplemental Recommendation by ICCAT on Reducing Incidental By-Catch of Seabirds in ICCAT Longline Fisheries
    Bait caster, Line weighting & bait sink rate, Night / day setting, Spatial & temporal measures, Streamer (tori) lines BRD LL PDF
    WCPFC CMM 2011-03
    Conservation and Management Measure for the Protection of Cetaceans from Purse Seine Fishing Operations
    Safe handling & release MAM PS PDF
    IOTC Resolution 12/04
    Resolution On The Conservation Of Marine Turtles
    Circle hooks, FAD design & management, Fish not squid bait, Safe handling & release TTX LL, PS, GN PDF
    IOTC Resolution 12/06
    Resolution on Reducing the Incidental Bycatch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries
    Bait caster, Line weighting & bait sink rate, Night / day setting, Spatial & temporal measures, Streamer (tori) lines BRD LL PDF
    IOTC Resolution 12/09
    Resolution on the Conservation of Thresher Sharks (Family Alopiidae) Caught in Association with Fisheries in the IOTC Area of Competence
    Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS, GN PDF
    IOTC Resolution 13/05
    Resolution On The Conservation Of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus)
    FAD design & management, Safe handling & release SHK PS PDF
    IOTC Resolution 13/06
    Resolution On A Scientific And Management Framework On The Conservation Of Shark Species Caught In Association With IOTC Managed Fisheries
    Safe handling & release, Spatial & temporal measures SHK LL, PS, GN PDF